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Instrument Flight Rating

Storm Clouds


Estimated Cost -


Hourly Aircraft Rate - 




Theory Rate 




Total Estimated Cost 

Varied with Aircraft



Please be aware, the above estimated cost is based off the minimum requirements.

Your Instrument Rating expands on already studied concepts, and provides you the ability to operate in reduced flying conditions, in cloud and fly approaches into airports.


You will learn to operate the aircraft in a new way, and will become further accustomed to the understanding of weather and navigational aids.


Prior requirements - 

Hold a PPL (Private Pilot Licence).

50 Hours cross-country flight time as PIC.

40 Hours of instrument time including:

At least 10 hours of dual instrument time.

20 hours of instrument flight time (or 10 hours of instrument flight time if training in a simulator)


Theory Exams - 

IREX - 75% pass requirement.


Flight Test

Private Instrument 

Estimated Cost -


Hourly Aircraft Rate - 




Theory Rate 




Total Estimated Cost 

Varied with Aircraft/Approach



Please be aware, the above estimated cost is based off the minimum requirements.

Your Private Instrument Rating (PIFR) is a module training course completely designed around your goals. 


Select the instrument approach/es applicable to your flying, train with BASE and off you go! 

No more having weather hold you back. 


Prior Requirements -

Hold a PPL (Private Pilots Licence)

20 hours of instrument time

At least 10 of the above as Dual


Theory Exam - 

PIFR - 70% pass requirement


Flight Test - Can be conducted per approach learnt or as a single flight test with multiple approaches. 

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