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Is Flight Training For Me?

It's a big question.

And, often one we tend to answer quickly - a big, fat, no.

The standard 'I'm not smart enough' or 'I don't have enough time' are the go to reasons but I'm here to to tell you, you're wrong. So so wrong!

'Not smart enough', are we really going to continue degrading ourselves? I don't think so.

Is it the easiest thing you'll ever do? No.

but it certainly isn't rocket science.

As for the time issue, who said there was a fixed timeline? News flash, there isn't.

It's 2024, we've spent the last 4 years living through and into the aftermath of Rona.

The world stopped and if you haven't noticed, we have some lost time to catch up on. That means making time for the things we want to do, not the things we need to do.

So great, we've gotten rid of the bad excuses and we're doing it. We're really doing it! ...but how?

You might be surprised to know this but to start flight training, you literally just call up and book in a lesson.

No pre-testing, no joining fee - I'm looking at you Gyms everywhere - no commitment required.

but I will say this, be prepared to want to spend every spare second in the air! It's a feeling you just won't be able to get enough of.

I won't lie and say its the most cost effective hobby or potential career path you can have, it will hurt your pocket every time the lesson ends.

With lessons averaging $390/hr and ranging from a single hour to multiple depending on your training level, its an ouch and a big one at that but the key here is perspective.

At the very least you've just flown around an area that would take hours to drive and have the best seat in the house. No more calling shotgun!

Now let's just quickly circle back to the 'I'm not smart enough' excuse, don't think this is going to be like baking a cake.

I mean, it can be. If you have never baked a day in your life, you're standing in a volcano and everything is on fire all whilst trying to juggle the pure chaos of daily life.

I'm kidding! but you will learn a lot! and it'll feel overwhelming at first, particularly if like most of us the days of high school are long gone.

Rest assured, a short theory course or some diligent self study and you'll be on your way.

In short -

Yes it expensive, no your excuses aren't valid and yes, it is the best possible thing you can do for yourself.

So is flight training for you? It's a big fat YES from me.


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